Marie Antionette Review

                                                         Marie Antionette, 2006, Sofia Coppola 

Marie Antionette, directed by Sophia Coppola, is an interesting film to say the least. It was not my cup of tea but it was interesting trying to analyze the film. It is a good storyline and drama makes the movie fun to follow. The story follows an Austrian women who has an arranged marriage and becomes a French queen. Along the way she encounters the trouble of fitting in to a new culture, sleeping with her new husband, staying loyal to her husband, and the French Revolution. Coppola uses constant bright outfits and dresses on the characters which really makes the movie. There is always something happening, bright colors that standout to the audience, and a great story are all ways this film makes it fun to watch. There are multiple intense scenes to keep the viewer anxious and always thinking. Overall I would rate this movie 6/10, this just isn't my type of movie but the film was interesting to watch so I would recommend this to other. 


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