Cars Review


Cars, John Lasseter, 2006
Cars is an animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures in 2006. Directed by John Lasseter, the movie presents a world entirely inhabited by cars and vehicles. The movie is a visually appealing animated film with a heartwarming story that resonates with themes of friendship, self-discovery, and the beauty of life's journey. It successfully combines humor and emotion, making it an engaging and entertaining movie for audiences of all ages. One aspect I feel is very over looked from this film is its soundtrack, the top song being "Life is a Highway" by Rascal Flatts. Whenever I hear this song I immediately think of this movie, but more importantly this soundtrack is responsible for giving the film its uplifting feeling. Jake, Max, and I were very excited to pick this movie when our groups were asked to choose a film the class would vote for to watch during finals week. Some peoples questioned the choice of this film but we just wanted to add some light to a very stressful week for students. Luckily, other students saw our vision and Cars was the chosen film to watch this past week. All around Disney did a great job executing this movie, all parts work well together and the voice actors were perfect for this movie. Owen Wilson was a great choice to play Lighting McQueen as were the other characters. I really enjoyed how even if you aren't into race cars you could still enjoy this film. The ups and downs of life and the friendship between McQueen and Mater are in the spotlight of this movie. I would give this film a 8/10 on the animated movie scale, I would highly recommend to everyone. This is one of the major animated Disney films. 


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